Landlords Insurance

Landlords Insurance Perth - Do I Really Need It?

Landlords Insurance in Perth - Do You Really Need it?

Our view is clear - It's a brave and foolish landlord that would try and save on the small premiums of a landlord insurance policy.

As Perth property managers, we always recommend that all landlords have Landlords Insurance. This type of insurance is designed specifically to protect property owners from risks associated with renting out their property. Here’s what you need to know:

What is Landlords Insurance?

Landlords Insurance is a type of insurance policy that is designed to protect property owners from financial loss or damages caused by their tenants or unexpected events. This type of insurance typically covers loss of rent, malicious damage caused by tenants, theft by tenants, accidental damage, and legal liability.

Why is Landlords Insurance important?

Landlords Insurance is important because it provides financial protection for landlords in the event of unexpected events or damages caused by tenants. Without this type of insurance, landlords may face significant financial losses or legal expenses. In addition, many mortgage lenders require landlords to have Landlords Insurance before they can rent out their property.

What does Landlords Insurance cover?

The specific coverage of Landlords Insurance policies can vary depending on the insurance provider and policy. However, some of the common areas covered include:
  • Loss of rent: If your tenant fails to pay rent or if your property is uninhabitable due to damage, your policy will cover your loss of rental income.
  • Malicious damage caused by tenants: If your tenant intentionally damages your property, your policy will cover the cost of repairs.
  • Theft by tenants: If your tenant steals items from your property, your policy will cover the cost of replacing the stolen items.
  • Accidental damage: If your tenant accidentally damages your property, your policy will cover the cost of repairs.
  • Legal liability: If your tenant or another person is injured on your property and you are found liable, your policy will cover the costs of any damages awarded to the injured party.

Why using a Property Manager is recommended:

By using a property manager who keeps detailed records of the property through condition reports, the process of applying for and receiving an insurance payout for issues arising is much more successful than private landlord management. Property managers can provide clear and detailed reports of the property’s condition at the beginning and end of a tenancy, which can be used as evidence in the case of insurance claims.

What is the cost of Landlords Insurance?

The cost of Landlords Insurance can vary depending on factors such as the value of your property, location, and the level of coverage you require. 

However, as a rough estimate, in our experience, you can expect to pay around $400 plus or minus 10% depending for a medium type of property. 
We can recommend a good insurance broker to provide quotes from several trusted and proven insurers.
 So to be clear landlords insurance is an important type of insurance policy that provides financial protection for landlords.


Our Final Say

 As Perth property managers, we highly recommend that all landlords have landlords insurance to protect themselves from financial losses and legal expenses from tenancies gone bad.  

By using a property manager with detailed records of the property, applying for and receiving an insurance payout for issues arising is much more successful than private landlord management. 

If you have any further questions about Landlords Insurance or would like our recommendations on who to get a quote from, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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Our expert and experienced property management team is invested in helping you achieve your goals of a well run investment property with as low maintenance costs, management costs and vacancy rates possible, combined with the highest rental returns achievable.  Talk to the team that will look after your property properly. 

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